Facebook Ads Consultation Form At Wizard Marketing 1

Step 1 of 12 - FB Ads Onboarding

Welcome to our Facebook Ads Onboarding Form!

This form is designed to help us gather essential information about your business, the product or service you wish to advertise, your target audience, and your specific goals for this ad campaign. By learning more about you and your business, we can tailor an advertising strategy that perfectly fits your needs.

Please note that we charge a one-time fee of $500 for our Facebook Ads Implementation Meeting. During this session, we'll use the information you provide in this form to develop a comprehensive advertising strategy, set up your Facebook Ads, and plan for ongoing optimization. We're excited to partner with you to create an ad campaign that drives results.

The form is divided into several sections for ease of completion. These include Business Details, Contact Information, Product/Service Details, Target Audience, Goals and Objectives, Assets and Branding, Budget and Schedule, Competitor Information, Existing Ad Performance, and Customer Lifetime Value. All information provided will be kept confidential and used solely for the purpose of creating an effective advertising campaign.

If you have any questions or concerns as you complete this form, please don't hesitate to reach out. Let's get started!

If you have no answer for a field, please say none or N/A. Please try to answer as much as possible. It helps us!